I'm a qualified ADHD coach providing a safe, compassionate place for you to discover who you are and who you want to be. I have two teens with ADHD, and I too was diagnosed last year. Understanding my ADHD has freed me from the shame, guilt, and hopelessness I’ve struggled with my entire life. My mission is for everyone to experience the monumental shift that I have, knowing there is hope, acceptance, and joy for you.
"I am so grateful for the time you spent working with me- I am grateful to share that I have continued to make progress and see a noticeable shift in the way I organize my life. My credit score is still over 800. Last weekend I cleaned out my closet and packed up seven bags and they only sat for 72 hrs before I donated them. And perhaps most importantly today, I finally went to the dentist...I hadn't had x rays in about 7 years. Miraculously it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be- I had one cavity and needed some fillings replaced but overall it was so much better than I thought it would be. It feels good to cross something off my list that has been hanging over me for years. I still have a ways to go and every day has new struggles but I want you to know that you really really helped me in so many ways. It wasn't just the tips and the body doubling...it was lifting the shame that kept me frozen for so long. I am so grateful for your support I wish you continued success!"