Selma Z - Life Coach

Selma Z

Life Coach

Hey there! I'm Selma, and I'm your certified go-to life coach. But I'm not just any life coach—I'm also a licensed therapist, so you're getting the knowledge of the best of both worlds! I'm all about helping you tackle those daily struggles head-on and finding your inner zen through the magic of mindfulness. You and me teaming up to make your life awesome; We'll dive into mindfulness like never before. No judging, no distractions, just being totally present at the moment. Together, we'll uncover your true potential and make sure you're living a life that's truly yours with my coaching skills. I'm here to help you level up in all areas of your life—whether it's relationships, career, personal growth, or just finding your happy place. I'll be your cheerleader, your sounding board, and your mindfulness coach, giving you practical strategies to rock your world. Get ready to embrace the awesomeness that awaits you!

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