Dr. Becca Ballinger - Child Psychologist | Parenting Coach | Podcaster

Dr. Becca Ballinger

Child Psychologist | Parenting Coach | Podcaster

Hi there! I'm Dr. Becca Ballinger, and as a child psychologist and the proud creator of The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast, I help parents tackle the rollercoaster of raising kids and teens every day. It's a journey filled with ups, downs, and a few loop-the-loops, but don't worry, I've got the map and the motion sickness pills! Think of our coaching sessions as your personal toolkit for this adventure. You know, like the Swiss Army knife of parenting – equipped for every twist and turn, from toddler tantrums to teenage eye-rolls. I'm here to share tips and strategies that are tailored just for you and your unique family - because let's face it, one size never fits all, especially when it comes to kids’ socks or parenting strategies. Parenting is a journey, not a destination, and I'm excited to be your co-pilot. Ready for the adventure? Sign up for a session today, and let’s turn those 'Why won't my teen put down their phone?' moments into 'Wow, we’re actually having a real conversation!' breakthroughs. Together, we’ll navigate towards more effective, peaceful, and yes, even joyful parenting. I can't wait to work with you and help bridge the communication gap (and maybe even the generation gap) in your family life!

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