Amanda Johnson - Award Winning Virtual Assistant Coach, Trainer and Mentor

Amanda Johnson

Award Winning Virtual Assistant Coach, Trainer and Mentor

Are you looking for a Virtual Assistant Coach, Trainer or Mentor and wondering if I'm the one? Want to find out if we're a good fit for each other and how you and your business would benefit from working with me? Either through completing a training course, joining the VA Membership or by working with me as your Coach? Yes, awesome then I warmly invite you to book a discovery call and look forward to talking to you about your needs. Booking is easy; click the appropriate option below, find a day and time to suit you and answer the questions so I can prepare for your call. Then make a note in your diary, and confirmation will be with you very soon, along with the Zoom link, which is the platform I use for discovery calls. Please be assured I will only present a training option, an offer or solution with your permission. Please do take a look at to learn more about me.

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"I’ve been a VA before the ‘cloud’ was a thing starting my business in 2003. Back then, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined joining a VA Group (VA Membership) and experience of other groups cemented that opinion. However Amanda’s group is different, totally different, it’s such a well run ship it makes rough waters feel like you’re sailing on a calm sea. Everyone is supportive, friendly and happy to share insights and experience. Amanda herself is exceptional and has the unique talent of listening, digesting and being able to make you see things from sometimes a totally different perspective so you make completely informed decisions. It’s the only VA group you’ll find a seasoned professional like me in. "

Wendy Laverty

Amanda was one of the first people I asked for support from when I started my business and she’s been there for me ever since. The 1:1 coaching I had from her ensured I understood my direction of travel and she helped me get rid of the noise in my head enabling me to prioritise the things that would really make a difference. Her Membership Group is full of valuable advice too and is my go-to place when I get stuck! I’ve also attended her GSDD events where we focus down on solving specific problems in our businesses. There’s something for every budget. Amanda’s no nonsense style is just what I need, and her support has been invaluable through my journey so far, I only wish I’d done it sooner!

Joanne Manville

I have just completed the VACT Mastery course. The course was perfect as I transitioned from experiened employee to building my confidence and fundamental knowledge to become a successful VA business owner. There is so much to learn on the journey, often having to dig deep within for the answers! With access to course notes, monthly webinars, Q&A sessions, a supportive training group, and continual guidance and motivation from Amanda I thoroughly enjoyed compiling my Business Bible. Amanda has a wealth of knowledge to share, she is a passionate VA coach and mentor. I would highly recommend this course to anyone taking their journey seriously to become a Virtual Assistant. Thank you Amanda! I look forward to your continued support going forward.

Heather Maclaurin

Joining the VA Membership was a massive turning point. I knew that I had the skills to do VA work, but what I lacked was the confidence to go it alone, launch my own business and be responsible for my own clients. I was frightened of getting it wrong, or not having the answers. Amanda’s VA Membership provides a community of other supportive VA’s, who provide a hive of knowledge and support. Amanda herself puts so much content in the membership. Every area that I have a question about, there seems to be articles, training and support within the membership. If there isn’t something specific then a quick message to Amanda and she will point you in the right direction. Investing in the VA membership was a big decision, but that investment has more than paid for itself in the first 6 months. The piece of mind in knowing that I have somewhere to go and a community, rather than going it alone, is invaluable.

Victoria Grant

I got in touch with Amanda last June when I was first thinking about setting-up my business, and I am so glad I did. Right from the beginning she provided me with very honest, constructive and experienced advice in response to my questions. She never tells you what to do, but her extensive experience of being a VA and training VAs means that there’s barely a scenario that she hasn’t come across. No question is a silly question, and Amanda has a vast array of articles, guides and training to help you with pretty much anything you need to know. She’s also built a fantastic community and is brilliant at referring you to other VAs for their advice if she thinks they are more expert than her on that particular area. Thank you Amanda – you’ve been a lifesaver!

Jenny Lovell

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